We are already in Week 4, and as of now, only a few more days left of it! I need to pick up the pace!
These doors just like the closet frame and trim, did not let me off easy when it came to roadblocks. Whether it was sizing all the pieces right, making straight cuts, every step had an issue! I don't know if it was all me or my table and miter saw. I vote to split the screw-ups!
After getting the wood pieces ready in Week 3, as always I dreaded assembling them because of the mess up-need to start over fear.
But I had to get over it and I still screwed up 🥴.
I debated how I would assemble the pieces...pockets holes or dowels? Dowels would be completely new and require more precision and accuracy than the pocket holes so I opted for the Kreg.
Most of the corners were fine, but trying to figure out how to screw the 2x4 to the 2x6 on that one side drew sweat beads. Between trying to keep the boards flat, even, and close enough, I pondered their existence at one point.
I forced a few pieces into place which I didn't think was a big deal, but will later find out why it was 😩. This week was a major accomplishment for me, but there's still more to these doors that will be equally as major.
Make sure to check out my instagram posts to follow along on my weekly progress @diyblueprintdiva as well as all the #oneroomchallenge weekly updates.
We are moving right along, until next time..
Later peeps..
