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A Typed Ramble...How it all Started

Writer's picture: DIYBlueprintDivaDIYBlueprintDiva

I cannot believe I am writing this post right now! This is so surreal. I don't even think I had this as a goal, ever, before the end of last year. One thing about research, it will cause an increase of every-things on your already growing to do lists.

But second thing first, YOU'RE HERE WITH ME!! The fact that you're reading this lets me know I at least have an audience. All 2 of you and I'm so grateful for your support :).

If you haven't heard or read, I'm ToNora, known on Social Media as your #DIYBlueprintDiva. Like many others during the pandemic, I found myself wondering what it would look like if I really pursued this passion for DIY-ing and now, nearly 3 years later, here I am.

A little history...

I grew up naturally having an inquisitive mind about things. My first ever stab at building something was a mechanic's welding hardhat, that I made out of a freeze pop box to work on my Jeep Power Wheel. Beep! Beep! Who knew I'd really grow up to enjoy this type of stuff.

I eventually ended up going to school for Interior Design, but due to the recession and needing a job, I just applied for whatever I could get and boy did I luck up. I landed a career gig with a utility company, designing the pole lines. So the next time you're driving down the street, not paying attention to the power poles every 75', just know someone physically decided to put that particular pole, right there.

This was not the typical design job, but I grew to love it as it expanded my knowledge base on so many levels. I sometimes wonder if I'd started from the bottom with Interior Design, if I'd be where I am now in life. I'm doing pretty damn good for myself, if I must say.

As I worked, I never fully let go of design. In every apartment, I painted the walls and attempted at some type of theme. I hated bare walls and yes, that meant I had to repaint them before I left, but I didn't care.

"Painting, although exhausting and tedious, just does something to a space."

I even decided to go back to school for my Associates in CAD and Architecture once I was settled. I didn't quite know what I'd do with it, but drafting came so much easier than decorating. Unfortunately, with me still working my full time job, a part-time job, and going to school, I somehow managed to forget to apply for graduation....

I did finish though! With a 4.0gpa but was 2hrs short of getting my diploma and by then I was way over it. I never looked for other opportunities in the CAD world. I continued to just spruce up my spaces, getting slightly better with decorating each time. And being I moved a lot, I had a tremendous amount of practice.

It wasn't until I bought my first place that I really went in on the Do-It-Yourself journey. I painted 11' ceilings, ripped up carpet and installed vinyl planks. None of which, aside from painting on a small scale, had I done before. YouTube was not a thought back in 2016 to record this stuff and my process. Hell, I could be retired by now if so. But I did document the journey and actually had enough footage to make a video.

This also included my first ever "big build." I built, from scratch, 2 - sliding barn door and boy were they solid! This was my first real project which also meant first time using power tools. In the moment, I couldn't see what was developing. But after my condo sold in less than 5 hours, I took a step back like...I. DID. THAT!

I debated some type of business with organizing or performing minimal facelift makeovers, but I didn't "need" it. Nothing was pushing me to start it. While my townhouse was being built in 2019, I began thinking about all the projects I wanted to do.

Before moving in, I had my entire house repainted from that contractor, standard grade eggshell of a white, ick. Then I installed a peel-n-stick backsplash (after watching several YouTube videos, go figure).

I also installed a custom closet system in the master bedroom using IKEA's Pax System. All of which I assembled and installed on my own.

Then the pandemic hit a few months after later. This is when I really started thinking about DIYing and YouTube as a pass-time, and it just took on a life of its own.

I studied YouTube for 6 months. Joined a few programs and academies. Did hella research in the DIY Niche and then just went for it. It still amazes me the things I can do from just watching a video. However, I spend just as much time figuring out how-to do it as I do building it, [insert facepalm emoji].

Luckily, when I do get my head in the game, man it's so rewarding! Like why can't I keep this up? I've committed to discipline and consistency this year. Who knows where it could take me and right now I still love and enjoy it.

If you've made it this far, you're a real one! True MVP. I definitely rambled on and on, actually started over a few times, but "Mama we made it!" I hope you continue with me on this journey as I have so much I want to accomplish and this is just the beginning.

What's to come you ask? Oh, well let me tell you...tutorials (with bloopers of course), plans when I start designing my own builds, maybe some dope apparel? Who knows, the sky is limitless...and I've barely reached a surface.

So if you're not already subscribed to my YouTube Channel, pleasssse click the button below.

Feel free to watch every video while you're there. See the growth, witness the mess-ups and I guarantee you'll even laugh little.

Thanks again for the support, I truly appreciate it and I can't wait to show you all what I have brewing in this here brain of mine. Until the next post...because, I'm a blogger now =D.

Later Peeps <3

655 views12 comments


Oct 07, 2024

Beautiful. Talented. Creative. Driven...❤️



Dec 23, 2023

ToNora, I couldn't stop watching your videos! Thank you for sharing your gifts, talents and experiences with your projects. Certainly stimulated the DIYer in me...although you're way ahead of me! Lol. I just think that a bit of handyness, the ability to use tools, the belief that every project is logical, and a whole lot of tenacity will take you a long way!

Keep inspiring!



Dec 19, 2023

You're Such A Vibe💕Your Designs Are Nothing Short of Amazing And I'm So Glad I Found Your Blog.

Big Ups


Nov 19, 2023

Do you mind sharing the classes and academies that you attended?


Nov 19, 2023

Good work DBPD. Looking forward to more of your work. Happy Holidays ✊🏾😎🎉


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